Wayne Dyer

From his website


Birthdate: May 10, 1940

Wayne Dyer is an American author and speaker in self-help and spirituality. he served in the US Navy, got his D. Ed degree in counseling at Wayne State University. In his early career, he worked as both a high school guidance counselor and professor of counselor education at John's University, New York City.

His first book, Your Erroneous Zones incorporated material that he had taught in his university lectures on positive thinking and motivational speaking techniques. In later books he broadened his content from self-actualization into spiritual concepts.

Organizations and Projects

His Website

On Wayne Dyer's website you can check out his blog, his upcoming events, a daily inspiration and his many books, CDs and DVDs.


New Releases

A Promise is a Promise – Wayne Dyer 2001

Amazon Synopsis: Dr. Dyer brings you this extraordinary true story about two ordinary people whose lives were touched by miracles–and he shows us what these miracles can teach all of us.


Being in Balance – Wayne Dyer 2006

Amazon Synopsis: In this inspirational work, best-selling author and lecturer Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires.

Imagine a balance scale with one end weighted down to the ground, and the other end—featuring the objects of your desires—sticking up precariously in the air. This scale is a measurement of your thoughts. To restore the same balance that characterizes everything in our universe, you have to take up the weighty thoughts so that they match up to your desires.

The seasons reflect the overall harmony of life. For example, winter passes and the blossoms emerge. This is balanced by a need to have the trees rest, so autumn arrives on time and helps the trees ready themselves for another period of repose. This book is dedicated to the idea that we’re a vital component of this creative process and have within ourselves the wherewithal to create all that we want if we recognize and revise out-of-balance thoughts.


Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life – Wayne Dyer 2009

Amazon Synopsis: Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China dictated 81 verses, which are regarded by many as the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. The classic text of these 81 verses, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offers advice and guidance that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good.

In this book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has reviewed hundreds of translations of the Tao Te Ching and has written 81 distinct essays on how to apply the ancient wisdom of Lao-tzu to today’s modern world. This work contains the entire 81 verses of the Tao, compiled from Wayne’s researching of 10 of the most well-respected translations of text that have survived for more than 25 centuries. Each chapter is designed for actually living the Tao or the Great Way today. Some of the chapter titles are “Living with Flexibility,” “Living Without Enemies,” and “Living by Letting Go.” Each of the 81 brief chapters focuses on living the Tao and concludes with a section called “Doing the Tao Now.”

Wayne spent one entire year reading, researching, and meditating on Lao-tzu’s messages, practicing them each day and ultimately writing down these essays as he felt Lao-tzu wanted you to know them.

This is a work to be read slowly, one essay a day. As Wayne says, “This is a book that will forever change the way you look at your life, and the result will be that you’ll live in a new world aligned with nature. Writing this book changed me forever, too. I now live in accord with the natural world and feel the greatest sense of peace I’ve ever experienced. I’m so proud to present this interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, and offer the same opportunity for change that it has brought me.”


Everyday Wisdom – Wayne Dyer 2005

Amazon Synopsis: This collection of over 200 of Dr Dyer's most famous quotes and observations is a must for the readers of his previous work.


Everyday Wisdom for Success – Wayne Dyer 2006

Amazon Synopsis: In this wonderful little book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer brings you a wealth of information that will inspire you to achieve success in all areas: personal, professional, and spiritual. By applying these positive thoughts to your daily life, you’ll find that you will not only see improvements in yourself, but you will also serve as an inspiration to those around you.

Flip to any page . . . and soak up the wisdom—every day!


Excuses Begone! – Wayne Dyer 2009

Amazon Synopsis: Within the pages of this transformational book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. Even though you may know 'what' to think, actually ' changing' those thinking habits that have been with you since childhood might be somewhat challenging. 'If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I'm too old or too young . . . I'm far too busy and tired . . . I can't afford the things I truly want . . . It would be very difficult for me to do things differently . . .' and ' I've always been this way . . .' may all seem to be true, but they're in fact just excuses.

So the business of modifying habituated thinking patterns really comes down to tossing out the same tired old excuses and examining your beliefs in a new and truthful light. In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious crutches employed by virtually everyone, along with ways to cast them aside once and for all. You'll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of a new '' paradigm. The old, habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the absurdity of hanging on to them. You'll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they've always been part of your life - and the joy of releasing them will resonate throughout your very being. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you'll awaken to the life of your dreams. 'Excuses . . . Begone!'


Getting in the Gap – Wayne Dyer 2002

Amazon Synopsis: The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a more peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and fatigue-free life are available, but which are simply side benefits. The paramount reason for daily meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts, and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains the soul-nourishing meditation technique for making conscious contact with God, which the ancient masters have told us about.

You have the potential to be an instrument of the highest good for all concerned and to be a literal miracle worker in your own life. No person, government, or religion can legitimately claim to do this for you. “In fact,” says Dr. Dyer, “I agree with Carl Jung who said, ‘One of the main functions of formalized religion is to protect people against a direct experience of God.’” When you master getting into the gap and staying there for prolonged segments of meditation, and experience what you bring back to the material world, you will know your answer to the question: “Why meditate?”

Gifts from Eykis – Wayne Dyer 2002

Amazon Synopsis: How would an intelligent visitor from another planet react to life on Earth? Would we welcome that visitor's presence and views? Are we ready for such an open exchange? Weaving together science fiction, spirituality, and philosophy with wisdom, humor, and plain common sense, Wayne Dyer tells the story of two peaceful beings from different worlds who work together to enhance the well-being of all. The gifts that Eykis brings to the people of Earth help them see themselves in a new light, and compel them to rethink their negative actions. Her insightful offerings will move you to new emotions, new behaviors, and a new understanding of humankind's limitless possibilities.


Happy Holidays – Wayne Dyer 1986


Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling – Wayne Dyer 2007

Amazon Synopsis: There’s a voice in the universe calling each of us to remember our purpose—our reason for being here now, in this world of impermanence. The voice whispers, shouts, and sings to us that this experience of being in form, in space and time, knowing life and death, has meaning. The voice is that of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us.

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains how we’ve chosen to enter this world of particles and form. From our place of origin, in ways that we don’t readily comprehend now, we knew what we were coming here to accomplish, and we participated in setting this life process in motion. So why not think this same way? Why put the responsibility or blame on any one or any thing that’s not a part of us? On Earth we have the capacity of volition—we can choose—so let’s assume that we had the same capacity when we resided in the spiritual realm. We chose our physical body, and we chose the parents we needed for the trip. It doesn’t seem too great a stretch to move into the idea that we chose this life in concert with our Source.

Each chapter in this book is filled with specifics for living an inspired life. From a very personal viewpoint, Wayne Dyer offers a blueprint through the world of spirit to inspiration, your ultimate calling.


The Invisible Force: 365 Ways to Apply the Power of Intention to Your Life – Wayne Dyer 2007

Amazon Synopsis: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has put together this little book in order to convey the fact that intention is a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habitual patterns. It’s a force that we all have within us, and we have the power to draw it into our lives by being the energy we want to attract.

Use the uplifting material within these pages to bring the power of intention into your life for many years to come, and experience the world in a new and exciting way!


Living the Wisdom of the Tao – Wayne Dyer 2008

Amazon Synopsis: “This book offers you an opportunity to internalize and directly experience the great wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, a collection of verses authored by the Chinese prophet Lao-tzu.

“The words Tao Te Ching translate to ‘living and applying the Great Way.’ Although just 81 short verses, the Tao encourages you to change your life by literally changing the way you think. By reading through the verses presented here (which I’ve pieced together after reviewing hundreds of translations)—along with the corresponding affirmation I’ve created for each verse—you’ll be embarking on a path that encompasses the profound ideas that Lao-tzu intended to convey.

“The Tao Te Ching offers you Divine guidance on virtually every area of human existence. It is a new way of thinking in a world that needs to recapture its ancient teachings. Work with the verses and affirmations regularly and you will come to know the truth behind the ancient Tao observation: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

—  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


Manifest Your Destiny - Dr. Wayne Dyer 1999

Amazon Synopsis: From the inspirational leader and author of the international bestsellers Your Sacred Self and the classic Your Erroneous Zones comes this mind-awakening guidebook for making your desires reality.

Based on ancient principles and spiritual practices, Manifest Your Destiny introduces the Nine Spiritual Principles that will help you overcome the barriers--both within and around you--that prevent you from getting what you want, including:

  • Developing spiritual awareness
  • Trusting yourself
  • Reconnecting to your environment
  • Attracting your desires
  • Accepting your own worthiness
  • Practicing unconditional love
  • Meditating to unlock the power within you
  • Letting go of demands

Filled with warmth and insight, this invaluable book will help you achieve your goals--and take you to a level higher than you've ever dreamed.


The Power of Intention - Wayne W. Dyer 2005

Amazon Synopsis: Intention is generally viewed as a pit-bull kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture. In this view, an attitude that combines hard work with an indefatigable drive toward excellence is the way to succeed. However, intention is viewed very differently in this book. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book explores intention—not as something you do—but as an energy you’re a part of. We’re all intended here through the invisible power of intention. This is the first book to look at intention as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention.

Part I deals with the principles of intention, offering true stories and examples on ways to make the connection. Dr. Dyer identifies the attributes of the all-creating universal mind of intention as creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, endlessly abundant, and receptive, explaining the importance of emulating this source of creativity. In Part II, Dr. Dyer offers an intention guide with specific ways to apply the co-creating principles in daily life. Part III is an exhilarating description of Dr. Dyer’s vision of a world in harmony with the universal mind of intention.


Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life – Wayne Dyer 2001

Amazon Synopsis: In this inspirational guide, Dyer reveals seven beliefs central to working miracles in our everyday lives.  From "creating a miracle mind-set" and achieving change in the areas of personal health, prosperity, and fulfilling love relationships to believing in the magic of miracles on a global scale, Dyer shows us that miracles within our reach -- and within our own minds.

The Shift: Taking You Life from Ambition to Meaning – Wayne Dyer 2010

Amazon Synopsis: The Shift—a companion book to the movie of the same name—illustrates how and why to make the move from ambition to meaning. Such a shift eliminates our feelings of separateness, illuminates our spiritual connectedness, and involves moving from the ego-directed morning into the afternoon of life where everything is primarily influenced by purpose.

As we contemplate leaving the morning of our life, where ego has played a commanding role, and entering the afternoon (and evening), where meaning and purpose replace ambition and struggle, we may encounter unexpected occurrences that accompany this new direction. It’s almost a universal law that we’ll experience a fall of some kind. Yet these falls or low points provide the energy we need to move away from ego and into a life of meaning and purpose.

The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new. We make a commitment to living a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful, rather than never-ending demands and false promises that are the trademark of the ego’s agenda.

As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer so eloquently reveals in these pages, we all have the choice to shift our lives from ambition to meaning . . . and thereby complete our return to the Source that created us.


The Sky’s the Limit – Wayne Dyer 1980

Amazon Synopsis: The Sky's the limit for your success, your creativity, your physical and emotional capacity and your happiness. This book by Dr. Wayne Dyer can do for you to what you can do for yourself with the help of this book. Taken from the back cover of the book.


Staying on the Path – Wayne Dyer 2004

Amazon Synopsis: The wit and wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer, the author of the international bestsellers Everyday Wisdom and 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, is reflected in this extraordinary collection of inspirational quotes and observations. He says, "We are all on the same path. We're just on different places along the path."

Sample quotes:

“The children whom you admire so much for their ability to enjoy life are not foreign creatures to you. You have one of those children inside you.”

“I cannot always control what goes on outside, but I can always control what goes on inside.”

 “Detachment is one of lifes great lessons for those on the path of enlightenment.”


Dyer Straight – Wayne Dyer with Leon Nacson

Amazon Synopsis: An Enlightening Conversation with the Father of Motivation and Leon Nacson.


10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace – Wayne Dyer 2002

Amazon Synopsis: Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace reveals some basic principles for changing one's outlook on life. Among his recommendations, Dyer suggests having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing, treating yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be, and understanding that wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you. Dyer's words are complemented by pastel-colored watercolors.


There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem – Wayne Dyer 2001

Amazon Synopsis: In this inspiring new book, bestselling author Wayne W. Dyer shows us that there is an omnipresent spiritual force right at our fingertips that contains the solution to our problems -- from ill health to financial worries to relationship difficulties. Drawing from various spiritual traditions, especially from the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, Dyer helps us unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine within.

The first part of the book provides the essential foundation for spiritual problem solving. In these chapters, you'll read the words of Patanjali, a Yogi mystic whose teachings and practices deeply affected Dyer and informed his realization that the spiritual force is everywhere.

The second half, organized around the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, contains specific suggestions to help readers put spiritual problem solving into practice. Saint Francis's legacy is one of love, harmony, and service -- putting our collective energies toward what we are for instead of what we are against. Each of these last seven chapters begins with a line from this prayer; Dyer then goes on to offer specific and practical suggestions for applying the teaching to everyday problems. These suggestions include affirmations, writing exercises, guided meditations, and other strategies for putting Saint Francis's words and the wisdom of this book into practice.

Profound and thought provoking, yet filled with pragmatic advice, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem is a book about self-awareness and tapping the healing energy within all of us. As Dyer writes, "Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them."


What Do You Really Want for Your Children? - Dr. Wayne Dyer 2001

Amazon Synopsis: If you have children, then you have dreams for them. You want to see them growing up happy, healthy, self-reliant, and confident in themselves and their abilities. But if you're a typical parent, you've wondered if you'll be able to give them all this. There's good news: you can.

Wayne W. Dyer shares the wisdom and guidance that have already helped millions of readers take charge of their lives -- showing how to make all your hopes for your children come true.

You will learn:

  • the seven simple secrets for building your child's self-esteem every day.
  • how to give very young children all the love they need -- without spoiling them.
  • how to encourage risk-taking -- without fear of failure.
  • action strategies for dealing with your own anger -- and your child's.
  • the right way (and the wrong way) to improve your child's behavior.
  • the secrets of raising kids relatively free of illness.
  • techniques that encourage children to enjoy life.

It's all here -- straightforward, commonsense advice that no parent can afford to do without.


Wisdom of the Ages – Wayne Dyer 1998

Publisher's Weekly: Veteran self-help author and speaker Dyer (Manifest Your Destiny, etc.) chooses a new format in which to present his familiar material. Here, he offers essays inspired by 60 quotations from poetry and literature that express "life's greatest lessons." Intended as a daily inspirational, each essay focuses on a topic such as patience, leadership, divinity, prayer, grief, humanity, nonconformity, enthusiasm and forgiveness. The quotes are mostly recognizable, from such luminaries as Emerson, Thoreau, Shelley, Shakespeare, Yeats, Kipling, Melville and Shaw. Within this collection dominated by white men are a few surprises, including words from Chief Seattle, Confucius, Langston Hughes and Dorothy Parker.

Each essay contains some biographical information about the source and is followed by suggestions for practicing the principle expressed in the quote and Dyer's discussion, such as "reverence for nature" and "unity consciousness." Dyer's pieces are of uneven quality, sometimes vague and undeveloped, simplistic or lacking the clear compassion and positive view required to offer readers genuine help or encouragement. Although the quotations themselves are inspiring, overall, Dyer's ruminations add little of worth.


Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting – Wayne Dyer 2012

Amazon Synopsis:    This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.

Wishes Fulfilled  is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible—and “all things” means that nothing is left out.

By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way.

Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.

This book will help you See—with a capital S—that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination! 


You’ll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation – Wayne Dyer 2001

Amazon Synopsis: Live the life you've always wanted.

Wayne W. Dyer takes us to new plateaus of self-awareness with You'll See It When You Believe It. He shows that you can direct the course of your own destiny by tapping the truly amazing power that lies within you.

You'll See It When You Believe It demonstrates that through belief you can:

  • make your most impossible dreams come true.
  • turn obstacles into opportunities.
  • rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil.
  • spend every day doing the things you love to do.

A new life is waiting for you.


Your Sacred Self Wayne Dyer 1996

Amazon Synopsis: In this liberating and enriching book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer teaches us how to tap into the power of our higher selves and live each day, regardless of what we do, with a greater sense of peace and fulfillment.

Your Sacred Self reveals a three-step program to help us understand our place in the world and develop a sense of satisfaction with ourselves and others. Step by step, we can change the way we experience life -- moving from our insatiable need for more, to an awareness of abundance; from a sense of ourselves as sinful and inferior, to an acceptance of ourselves as divine; from our hunger to achieve, to the detachment that brings true freedom.

Inspiring, uplifting, and illuminating, Your Sacred Self can bring the profound words of this unique teacher and guide into our lives and our hearts.


My Greatest Teacher - Wayne W. Dyer with Lynn Lauber 2012

Amazon Synopsis: From best-selling author and spiritual teacher Wayne W. Dyer comes 'My Greatest Teacher,' which follows a man's journey to find understanding and reconciliation with his past. Despite having a loving family and a fulfilling career as a university professor, Ryan Kilgore has always held deep resentment and anger toward the father who abandoned him when he was born. When these emotions take their toll on his marriage - and his relationship with his own son - Ryan realizes he must confront these unhealed wounds in order to move forward in his life. While at an academic conference, he embarks on a search to track down his father, Big Bob. Along the way, Ryan encounters friends and acquaintances of Big Bob, while reawakening memories of his childhood. 'My Greatest Teacher' is an inspiring tale of how we can transform suffering and pain into forgiveness and love, and the lessons we can learn through the most difficult challenges we face.

Children’s Books

I AM: Why Two Little Words Mean so Much – Wayne Dyer with Kristina Tracy 2012

Amazon Synopsis: 4 and up.  I AM, the newest children’s book by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, is taken from his latest book for adults, Wishes Fulfilled. I AM teaches kids a simple but profound message: God is not far off in the distance, or even merely beside us. In other words, we are not separate from God—we are God!

Knowing that God’s love and strength is a part of everyone can help kids grow to meet their greatest potential in life. The book uses a rhyme and illustrations to teach this lesson and help children realize that they are greater than they ever imagined! There is also a special section at the end that teaches the important meaning and way to use the words I am to create love, happiness, and greatness in their own lives and the world


Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through – Wayne Dyer with Kristina Tracy 2005

Amazon Synopsis: Dr Wayne W. Dyer has taken then 10 concepts from his book for adults "10 Secrets for Success & Inner Peace" and interpreted them for children, creating "Incredible You"! Wayne believes that it's never too early for children to know that they're unique and powerful beings, and they have everything they need within themselves to create happy, successful lives. With this book, parents can introduce these important ideas to their children. The ten concepts are numbered, titled and set in rhyming verse, and vibrant illustrations bring each point to life. At the end, there are questions that kids can answer to connect these ideas to their own lives, and make them realize how incredible they truly are.


It’s Not What You’ve Got! Lessons for Kids on Money and Abundance – Wayne Dyer with Kristina Tracy 2007

Amazon Synopsis: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, the internationally best-selling author and lecturer, has written a new book in his series of inspirational books for kids. 'You're Not What You've Got' addresses the topics of money and abundance, with the understanding that children's earliest thoughts and perceptions about money are those that will last throughout their lives. The concepts presented in this beautifully illustrated book include: 'Money does not define who you are; it doesn't matter what others have, and abundance comes in many forms. ' Unlike most books on this subject, 'You' ',' 're Not What You've Got ' is 'not ' a how-to manual on spending and saving for kids, but rather a positive, spiritual approach to the meaning of money.


No Excuses: How What You Say Can Get in Your Way – Wayne Dyer with Kristina Tracy 2009

Amazon Synopsis: 4 and up. In his fourth book for children, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer focuses on the topic of excuses and how they can do more harm than we realize. The book demonstrates how excuses go far beyond “my dog ate my homework,” and can actually become words that prevent your child from reaching his or her potential.

The book follows a boy with a seemingly impossible dream who almost lets excuses (“I’m not smart enough” . . . “It’s too hard,” and so on) get in his way.

He discovers, as will your child, that by following a few simple ideas and eliminating excuses . . . anything is possible!


Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life – Wayne Dyer with Kristina Tracy 2006

Amazon Synopsis: Following in the footsteps of Dr. Wayne Dyer 's first children's book, the bestseller 'Incredible You!' this work goes even further toward expressing Wayne's positive message for children. In 'Unstoppable Me!' Dr. Dyer teaches children how to hold on to the no-limit thinking he believes they were born with, rather than just trying to "fit in." In doing so, they can learn to truly enjoy life and become unstoppable as they strive to attain their dreams. The 10 important lessons in this book include the value of taking risks, dealing with stress and anxiety, and learning to enjoy each moment. Each point includes an example showing how a child might apply the concept in his or her everyday life. Similar to 'Incredible You!' there are questions at the end of the book to help spark discussion and to further reinforce Wayne's message.


Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits DVD - Wayne W. Dyer 2012

Description: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. Even though you may know 'what' to think, actually 'changing' those thinking habits that have been with you since childhood might be somewhat challenging. 'If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I'm too old or too young . . . I'm far too busy and tired . . . I can't afford the things I truly want . . . It would be very difficult for me to do things differently . . .' and 'I've always been this way . . .' may all seem to be true, but they're in fact just excuses. So the business of modifying habituated thinking patterns really comes down to tossing out the same tired old excuses and examining your beliefs in a new and truthful light.

In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious crutches employed by virtually everyone, along with ways to cast them aside once and for all. You'll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of a new paradigm. The old, habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the absurdity of hanging on to them. You'll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they've always been part of your life-and the joy of releasing them will resonate throughout your very being. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you'll awaken to the life of your dreams. Excuses . . . Begone!   Youtube Sample

Experiencing the Miraculous: A Spiritual Journey to Assisi, Lourdes, and Medjugorje 2012

Amazon Description: Take the trip of a lifetime with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer! In this one-of-a-kind DVD set, you will experience what it feels like to travel to three of the world's most sacred sites with one of the world's most beloved teachers. You'll visit Assisi in Italy, Lourdes in France, and Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina - and at each stop, you'll delight in a talk from Dr. Dyer regarding the amazing and magnificent miracles witnessed there, as well as his views on how to manifest the miraculous in your own life. With hours of inspirational lectures and majestic scenery, this is a DVD program you'll return to again and again!  Trailer

The Power of Intention DVD - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 2004

Description: In Dr. Wayne Dyer's public television special, taped live in front of a thousand fans in Boston's historic theater district, he transforms conventional thinking about making things happen in our lives into a profound understanding of how each person possesses the infinite potential and power to co-create the life he or she desires. To accomplish this, Dr. Dyer takes the audience through a journey into the seven faces of intention: (1) creativity, (2) kindness; (3) love, (4) beauty, (5) expansiveness, (6) abundance, and (7) receptivity. Throughout the program, Dr. Dyer illustrates his points with signature stories that move the audience to tears--as well as abundant laughter.   Youtube Sample

The Shift Movie 2009

Description: Originally produced under the title, Ambition to Meaning. In this compelling film, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores the spiritual journey from ambition to meaning. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society - which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation - are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back. Through the intertwined stories of an overachieving businessman, a mother of two seeking her own expression in the world, and a director trying to make a name for himself, this entertaining film not only inspires, but also teaches us how to create a life of meaning and purpose.   Trailer


I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation CD -Wayne Dyer & James F. Twyman

Description: The two words 'I am' are the name of God. As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains, 'I discovered while reading James Twyman 's book 'The Moses Code' that the sounds you will be hearing in this CD were the result of some intense research to reproduce the exact sounds associated with the name of God found in the Old Testament, translated from the original Hebrew as 'I am that I am.' 'It turns out that specific numbers can be assigned to letters. And the tuning-fork sounds you'll be meditating to are the exact sounds ascribed to the letters that comprise the Divine name of God. This has been called the most powerful meditation tool in the history of the world. I encourage you to become open to the idea that these sounds, when accompanied by your own 'I am' mantra, can and will provide you with the ability to live a wishes fulfilled life.'


Meditations for Manifesting: Morning and Evening Meditations to Literally Description:  Create Your Heart's Desire - Wayne Dyer 1995

Make no mistake about it - you can manifest anything you want in life when you connect with the abundance in the Universe - and on this one-of-a-kind lecture CD, bestselling author and speaker Dr. Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to do just that! This bestselling program includes the powerful Japa meditation.


101 Ways to Transform Your Life - Wayne Dyer 2004

Description:  On this inspirational CD, bestselling author Dr. Wayne Dyer offers you 101 ways to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. You'll love listening to Dr. Dyer's transformational thoughts at home, in your office, and in your car! Dr. Dyer offers inspirational messages such as to 'Become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe, and to realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you'.


The Secrets of the Power of Intention: Live Lecture (6-CD Set) 2004

Description:  Gain inspirational tips for living life to the fullest by listening to Dr Dyer live as he explores the secrets of the power of intention. Intention, not as something you do, but as an energy you are a part of. Dr. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe which allows the act of creation to take place. Every single individual has a connecting link to this field of intention and Dr Dyer believes that by removing any and all resistance we can re-connect to this energy that intended us here and regain the power of our source. This means an absence of all limitation when all of our thoughts are in energetic vibrational harmony with source energy.


Secrets of Your Own Healing Power - Wayne Dyer 2005

Description:  In this inspirational and highly informative live lecture presented to a group of chiropractic professionals, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers his penetrating wit and wisdom on how to develop your own healing powers, as well as that of others.

Dr. Dyer emphasizes that the secrets to healing are not somewhere “out there,” but rather, healing is something that takes place inside each and every one of us, occurring when we “connect to our Source and bring Spirit to the disease.” He emphasizes that healers need to be able to banish doubt and see their clients as individuals who already possess the capacity to heal themselves. That is, those with health challenges need to have someone in their energy field who truly believes that healing can take place.

Dr. Dyer explains how to operate at that higher level where doubt and ego consciousness don’t exist; and he also relates fascinating stories based on his own personal life; interactions with kahunas, yogis, and other powerful individuals; and the world of spirituality and alternative healing.


The Wayne Dyer CD Collection 2002

Description:  This four-CD collection is filled with Dr. Wayne Dyer’s incomparable wisdom. It guides us to new levels of self-awareness.

Included in this CD Collection are:

There Is A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem: On this inspirational and highly informative CD program, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers his wit and wisdom, taking you on a sacred journey where the spirit triumphs, teaching you that there is a spiritual solution to every problem.

Dr. Wayne Dye’s 10 Secrets to Success and Inner Peace: The ten secrets for success and inner peace presented here apply whether you’re just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you to read these ten secrets with an open heart. By doing so, you’ll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

Improve Your Life Using the Wisdom of the Ages: On this stirring CD, you will learn from Dr. Dyer how to use and apply ancient wisdom from over 60 of the greatest thinkers and spiritual masters that our world has known, including Jesus, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Thoreau, Gibran, Yogananda, and Descartes, to name a few. Don’t die with your music still in you, Dr. Dyer urges, if you want to achieve greatness. You are born on Earth to do your own unique life’s work.


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Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make my garden grow. All it takes is a rake and a hoe, and a piece of fertile ground…
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