Oak Tree

by Faye

In the branches of the oak, can be found the secrets of all living things. Within its bark live the insect world, birds nest in its branches, and squirrels live in its holes, and crevasses. The sun shines down upon it, and the wind blows through its branches. It simply sits, and reflects God - God as He applies to oak trees. And, in so doing, the oak tree provides a basis, a foundation for other forms of life to express God in their ways.

How beautiful is nature, how giving. She merely lives, providing so much life, and abundance, so innocently, requiring no one to notice her every action, to applaud her every accomplishment. How different she is from humanity, who takes, more often than it gives, demanding attention for its very presence, and virtually every thought, and action that it has. What are we missing, by not just being, sometimes? Nature can teach us this.

So, sit in the branches of an oak tree. Learn how, to just be.
(More inspirational writing, 1995-96)

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Sep 15, 2012
Nature, isn't it amazing!
by: Val

This post made me feel like I need to get out in nature more. I spend a great deal of time indoors at my job.

It reminded me of sitting in a tree as a kid, the wind gently rocking the branches.

Sep 21, 2012
Thanks Val
by: Faye

I'm glad it brought back a pleasant childhood memory. Yes, I agree, nature is amazing!

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